Friday Devotional- What's Your Problem?
“PROBLEMS ARE A PART OF LIFE. They are inescapable; woven into the very fabric of this fallen world. You tend to go into problem…

Friday Devotional - Acts of Kindness
World Kindness Day was Monday, November 13, so I want to challenge all of you to intentionally be kind today. Seek out someone who…

Thursday Video - Tell Me Your Pizza Ranch Story
We asked our Vice President of Finance to share his Pizza Ranch Story with us. …

Wednesday Stories of Impact - Austin, MN
Photo Credit: Austin Pizza Ranch We caught Austin, MN Pizza Ranch lending a helping hand to their guests by launching a Giving Tree in their…

Tuesday Truths - Colossians 3:12

Monday Mission - World Kindness Day
Today, November 13, is World Kindness Day. Be intentional about being kind all day. Here are 100 acts of kindness to kick-start your day.…

Friday Devotional - I get what?
Photo credit: Pizza Ranch, Inc. I want to talk to you about inheritance. When my grandpa died when I was younger, I could pick one thing…

Thursday Video- How do you live out Service from the Heart?
Service from the Heart is one of our Key Business Drivers and this is one team member's response. …

Wednesday Stories of Impact- Park Rapids, MN
Photo Credit: Pizza Ranch, Inc This story about one of our General Managers, Seth from Park Rapids, MN, caught my eye and I want to share it…

Tuesday Truths- An Attitude of Gratitude
Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. It…

Monday Mission - Thank a Veteran
Photo Credit: Forrest and Marilyn SlagterVeterans Day is this Saturday, November 11. Your mission today, and this whole week, is to Thank a Veteran for his…

Friday Devotional- "Sharper than any two-edged sword"
We were blessed with staff devotions led by our Director of Construction; may you also be blessed by his message. For the word of God…