Pizza Ranch Serves

Friday Devotional – Who is God?

I recently had a discussion with a few folks regarding the reasons Jesus came to earth.  Great conversation.  In our devotions today we see that one of those reasons was to help us see “The Father.”  Jesus came to earth, according to John 1: 18, to make the Father known.  Why?  Why did He need […]

Stories of Impact – Fort Pierre, SD

Fort Pierre Pizza Ranch holds fundraiser for families of two firefighters who died from injuries in a farm fire.  The Fort Pierre Fire Department Auxiliary and other firefighters waited tables and filled drinks in a very crowded restaurant.  A portion of the restaurant’s profits and all of the tips, went to a tragic, but noble […]

Monday Mission – Commitment

What is it today that you haven’t fully committed to?  Often we have hopes and wishes, and they remain hopes and wishes because we don’t commit to a plan. Goals are achieved only thru the execution of a plan. “Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.” Peter F. Drucker

Friday Devotional – Extra Weight

Hebrews 12:1. Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. The writer of Hebrews may have had an idea of what it meant to participate in the […]

Stories of Impact – Storm Lake, IA

Monday night, the Storm Lake Pizza Ranch held a fundraiser for a scholarship of Conner Weiland.  Conner was a 16-year-old young man who was tragically killed in a farming accident in September 2014. The Conner Weiland Scholarship Fund was set up by the Storm Lake Pizza Ranch Pizza Ranch to be given annually to a […]

Tuesday Truth – Goals and Visions

Are you a goal setter or a visionary?  There’s times and places for both.  What’s the difference, you may ask?  Listen to what Ken Blanchard & Phil Hodges say, in their book Lead Like Jesus: “It is important to distinguish between goals and vision.  A goal is a specific event that, once achieved, becomes a […]

Monday Mission – Wait

Last week I had the opportunity to do something I had never done before…ride a ski lift.  As I rode one lift, 2000 ft. off of the ski base, there were some things that struck me:  When you ride a ski lift, there’s literally nothing you can do to change your future. You can’t speed […]

Friday Devotional – Born of God. What?

John 1: 11-13 says: “He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born […]

Thursday Video – Monty Williams

When your world comes crashing down, do you say that God is still good? What a testimony that Monty Williams gave at his wife’s funeral after a tragic accident took her life. God is good, no matter the circumstances! Video