Pizza Ranch Serves

Tuesday Truth – Luke 6:37

Luke 6:37 New International Version “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.”

Monday Mission – Uphill Hopes

“Everything worthwhile in life is an uphill climb. Most people have uphill hopes but downhill habits.” – John Maxwell Joshua climbed uphill his entire life and he led the Israelites into The Promised land. I want to develop uphill habits so I can someday die the way Joshua did-still climbing with other following; fulfilled, confident, […]

Friday Devotional – Where’s Your Identity Found?

Today we’re looking at the story of John the Baptist, as the Jewish leaders come to question his identity. They wanted to know if John claimed to be the Messiah, or was he one of the great prophets who was expected to return at the coming of the Messiah.  I love how John answers.  He knew […]

Stories of Impact – Mandan, ND

The Pizza Ranch of Mandan, ND owned and operated by Kyle and Vicki Sedivec is normally not open on Sundays, but the restaurant and Pizza Ranch Team opened their doors on Sunday August 28th  to thank, serve and love on all  the first responders and their families of their community (Mandan Fire Dept., Rural Fire, […]

Monday Mission – Embrace Change

Do you hate change or do you embrace it? Many of us experience changes in our lives. Sometimes they are small changes that happen every day and sometimes they are major changes. We experience changes in our jobs, in our home life, in our businesses, with our friends and families, in our traditions, and others. […]

Friday Devotional – Killing or Healing Words?

Words have the power to bless or to wound.  When we speak carelessly or negatively, we damage others as well as ourselves.  Proverbs 12: 18 sees it as a stabbing of the heart with a sword.  It’s reckless, and in some cases brutal.  But it also talks of words having the ability to heal on […]

Stories of Impact – Springfield, IL

We have a phenomenal employee working in the Springfield, IL Pizza Ranch by the name of JC.  JC suffers from MS & Diabetes, and recently turned 62 years old.  He is an inspiration to everyone around him.  He works every morning, opens the restaurant for the AM crew, does the shift focuses and temp logs, […]

Tuesday Truth – Corrie ten Boom

“There are no ‘if’s’ in God’s world.  And no places that are safer than other places.  The center of His will is our only safety – let us pray that we may always know it!” -Corrie ten Boom

Monday Mission – A Life of Forgiveness

I have been immersed into the life of Corrie ten Boom over the last months as my church was preparing to perform “ten Boom, The Musical”.  I was brought back to a dark time in our history (WWII) when the Nazi army was taking the Jewish people captive, along with anyone that was protecting the […]