Pizza Ranch Serves

Stories of Impact – Lisbon, ND

The Lisbon Pizza Ranch recently hosted a Community Impact Night for a local family whose home was destroyed in a fire last month. Friends of the family joined forces and bussed tables for the evening to raise money for the family to help with the financial burden from the fire. Many people who came out […]

Monday Mission – Encouragement

You’re heard the saying that “you never know what battles someone may be facing.” Or maybe you have an idea of the battle, but you can’t quite imagine the extent of the battle damage? We all can think of someone who’s facing a difficult situation. Why not send that someone who came to mind a […]

Friday Devotional – It’s an Election Year

It’s an election year.  There’s frustration, anger, yelling, hate, finger pointing…etc.  It’s been going on for a while now, and it’s getting as crazy as ever.  We all have our opinions…and those opinions are important.  It’s important to vote on our convictions.  But we also need to calm down some and understand some truth from […]

Stories of Impact – Joe Gibbs Breakfast

This past Wednesday Pizza Ranch partnered together with Joe Gibb’s in the “Game Plan for Life” breakfast.  Joe spoke about his life and how he puts his trust in the Lord in everything he does Family, Football, Racing!     This is the sixth event that Joe Gibbs and Pizza Ranch have partnered together.  So […]

Monday Mission – Those Who Serve

In our area the Fireman are totally voluntary which means when that pager goes off they drop everything to go and serve Early one Sunday at 5:30 AM, the pager goes off and a family’s house is on fire (do they stop and think should I go or not, do I feel like getting up?). […]

Friday Devotional – Jesus Calls His Disciples

(from IF:Gathering) At the beginning of Jesus ministry, one of the first things He did was call His disciples. Matthew 4:19 “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” Discipleship starts with following Jesus!  Matthew 4:20 “Immediately they left their nets and followed Him” Their decision was immediate! Jesus lived a compelling life, […]

Thursday Video – Randy Pausch

As I was preparing the material for this week, I was reviewing Randy Pausch’s last lecture and revisited some of the videos of this amazing and inspiring speech.  While I was doing so I ran across a speech he gave that I believe was equally as impactful that I had never seen before.  Randy truly […]

Stories of Impact – Mankato, MN

The Pizza Ranch helps support a fun cause as police hope fishing outings can create positive relationships in Mankato, MN. See the article below:

Tuesday Truths – Failure and Obstacles

Every adversity, every failure every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit. – Napoleon Hill Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it. – Michael Jordan