Pizza Ranch Serves

Monday Mission - Enjoy the Creation

In the past week or two, the mornings have been absolutely perfect in Iowa. They have been clear, calm, and cool. I watched an entire sunrise for the first time in my life with my wife the other day. I couldn’t help but ask myself, “Why did it take this long for me to watch a sunrise?” I was blown away by the beauty of God’s creation that morning.

Friday Devotional - Don't be the Weeds

We can’t make a garden grow, but we can definitely be the reason it doesn’t grow! -lack of water -too much water -too much sun -not enough sun, etc. Same goes for community! The Holy Spirit does the work. We are just instruments. The Holy Spirit makes a community or relationship truly grow. We can still be the reason that a community or relationship doesn’t grow though! -Toxic relationships -Constant arguing/debating -Talking behind other’s backs -Selfishness

Praise Song by Elevation Worship

Thursday Thoughts - Praise Song

Amazing song of Praise by Elevlation Worship, below is the song and a few of the lyrics at the bottom is the link to entire Elevlation Worship Praise lyrics. Enjoy and Praise the Lord!

Worn Bible open on counter.

Monday Mission - Keep His Statutes

Psalm 119:1-8 says: "Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord! Blessed are those who keep His testimonies,…

2 Corinthians 2:15-16

Friday Devotional – A Fight

The political climate in our country seems so dark right now. I turned on the debate the other night a couple times, only to turn it off again because of feeling my stomach turn. I even had feelings of embarrassment watching it. To see two leaders treat each other like they did says a lot about the state of our world. It was like watching two children that don't know any better. There’s such a feeling of hate out there. It’s like a dark cloud hovering over all of us. What is this all about?