Pizza Ranch Serves

Team Members putting star stickers on poster board

Wednesday - Story of Impact - Generosity

In July Pizza Ranch welcomed a new location and several new team members to the PR Family. The new location was in Bismarck, ND. Prior to opening there was so much going on. Lots of intense training and last-minute preparations. Our training team did some fun activities and team members earned “stars” for tasks they learned and completed.

Email, Encouragement Note

Monday Mission - Encourage Others

Monday Mission – Encourage someone Last week my son, who is in junior high, received an email from one of his teachers. He shared the email with me, and I was so impressed with how the teacher had taken time to share with him a couple good qualities that she saw in him.

Text: What's your story

Friday Devotional- What's Your Story?

We’ve been going through the Book of Acts here at the Pizza Ranch Support Center. In Acts 28:23-31 we find Paul finishing out the Book of Acts strong. He arrives in Rome, the place Jesus had said Paul would bear witness to him, calling together the leaders of the Jews to meet.

hand writing fear and crossing it out

Friday Devotional - No Fear

We’ve been going through the Book of Acts here at the Pizza Ranch Support Center. In (Acts 19:23-41) we see a “great commotion” that was created by a man named Demetrius. Demetrius was a silversmith who made idols and trinkets representing Diana, an Ephesian goddess, of the Temple of Diana. Because Christianity had grown so much in his part of the world, his livelihood was being threatened. He called a meeting with the other silversmiths, got everyone upset, and worked them up into an angry mob. Christians were then targeted and persecuted.