Thursday Thought- Overcoming Worry
Do you every find yourself turning to the same passage of scripture? Over and over again, different circumstances, but the same passage that you turn to? Maybe that is because we struggle with the same fears or insecurities. Or because we find comfort in the words written for us. For me, in so many circumstances I worry, and I always come back to the same passage; Matthew 6: 25-34.

Wednesday Stories of Impact - Loveland, CO
Amid the crazy schedule changes, cancellations, and closures, Pizza Ranch in Loveland, CO took it upon themselves to help out parents whose children would…

Tuesday Truth - Most High Shelter
Here at the Support Center we have been looking closely at Psalm 91 over the last few days. Below you will find a passage…

Monday Mission - Spread Love, Not Fear
It seems as though you can go no where without hearing updates surrounding the Coronavirus. The toilet paper raids and constant volatility fuels the spread of fear and turmoil. But that is not what God calls us to do.

Friday Devotional - Jesus In The Old Testament #1
I often wondered as I grew up, why the Old Testament was so important. I thought that the New Testament was something to focus on. But I’ve grown to appreciate and see how important Old Testament Scripture actually is. It comes down to this: The entirety of the Old Testament points to Jesus.

Thursday Thought - God Always Knows Best
This week we’ve focused on prayer. What to pray, how God hears our prayers, how to be a First Responder in prayer. Today’s thought on prayer is this, why didn’t God answer my prayer?

Wednesday - Stories of Impact - First Responders
Today we’re going to take a slight break from our traditional Stories of Impact. Think with me for a moment about the First Responders…

Tuesday Truth – God Hears our Prayers
God loves us and wants us to call out to him with our concerns. Sometimes life is scary and hard, but God literally bends down to listen to our prayers.

Monday Mission - Pray
A quick search in my Bible App for the word “pray” brings up 436 results, wow! This tells me that prayer is important to God, and we know from reading scriptures that Jesus prayed regularly.

Friday Devotional - Patience
Patience is often associated with waiting. Waiting is often associated with inaction or gentle tolerance. The Biblical meaning of patience does not imply inaction. Most of…
Thursday Thoughts - Perseverance
Persevering in a race takes endurance, and followers of Christ are expected to endure trials, be on the lookout for promises to be fulfilled,…

Wednesday Story of Impact - Laundry and Pizza
A tornado ripped through parts of Sioux Falls, SD and caused a considerable amount of damage to many businesses, including the Pizza Ranch on…