Monday Mission - Smile, it's Infectious
Anyone else sick of the phrases "social distancing", "stay-at-home" and "contagious"?! You know what else in "contagious"? Smiles! As you pass folks on the…

Friday Devotional - Why Worship During This Pandemic?
What is worship? Worship is bowing before God, putting Him first. Romans 12:1 describes it as a “sacrifice of self.” That we humbly give ourselves up for His Lordship, proclaiming that He is worthy and in control of it all.

Thursday Thoughts - Healthcare Professionals
To our Healthcare professionals we thank you! You are dedicated, loving, serving, inspiring, thoughtful, respected, needed, and so very important to us! Thank you…

Wednesday Stories of Impact - Springfield IL
A few weeks ago Pizza Ranch had a drawing for $250 gift between all the locations. This week picked randomly was Springfield IL.

Tuesday Truths - Prayer
Prayer to pray for our leaders!…

Monday Mission - We are Not Alone!
During these days of social distancing we can feel alone. As in the picture, we may feel that we are on a long hike all by ourselves..

Friday Devotional - Are You Worried?
Today we’re looking at Philippians 4:4-7. It’s a passage that folks use to fight worry, but it’s so much more than that.

Thursday Thought- Conversation with the King of kings
What does a conversation sound like between a man and the King of all kings?

Wednesday Story of Impact- Marshfield, WI
The Vision of Pizza Ranch is to glorify God by positively impacting the world. This happens community by community in which we operate restaurants.

Tuesday Truth- The Name above all names
Who is this....Jesus Christ?

Monday Mission- Seek Jesus
There is hope in Jesus Christ. Seek Him today. Revelation 3:20 "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me."

Friday Devotional - Selah
As you read through the Psalms you will at times come across the world 'Selah' at the end of a sentence. In fact, this…