Pizza Ranch Serves

Communion bread and wine

Friday Devotional- The Holy Spirit's Impact

When a person comes to know Christ, or when that person asks Christ to be the Lord and Savior of their life, Scripture says that the Holy Spirit will then live in, around and flow out of them. That doesn’t mean that person becomes perfect. We know that. But, the Holy Spirit does become that person’s helper, comfort, intercessor, counselor, strength, teacher, and power. It helps that person to pray and to spread the good news locally, regionally, and throughout the world.

Acts 2:47

Friday Devotional- God's Words Become Ours

At the Pizza Ranch Support Center, we've been working through the Book of Acts during our weekly prayer time. Last week we saw the incredible introduction of the Holy Spirit to Christians. They heard, saw, felt, and did things that were unexplainable​, or so they thought.

Holy Spirit Dove

Friday Devotional- The Great Gift

At the Pizza Ranch Support Center we’ve been working our way through the Book of Acts during our weekly prayer time. Since starting Acts 1, we’ve been anticipating the arrival of the great gift that Jesus said would be coming. That great gift is the arrival of the Holy Spirit; the gift that would live in, around, and flow out of all those who claim Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

1 Thessalonians 5:18

Monday Mission- Attitude of Gratitude

​As we wrap up the Thanksgiving season and transition to Christmas, I want to challenge you to remain thankful. Adopt an Attitude of Gratitude as a lifestyle that can vastly change your life.