Pizza Ranch Serves

Mountain View

Friday Devotional – Psalms 44

This last week we enjoyed our Pizza Ranch National Conference out in Keystone, Colorado. Wow was it awesome. So much fun, so meaningful. I…

White number 5 overlaying a rock profiled background

Thursday Thoughts - 5 Ways to Make the Workplace Your Mission Field

Here are 5 practical ways to make your workplace a mission field: 1. Where everyone is looking to get ahead, look to serve instead. In the professional world, service is not often glamorous, but it is always Christ-like. In Mark 10, we are told that Christ did not come to be served, but to serve those around him.

Picture of the front of the Sioux Center Pizza Ranch location

Wednesday Story of Impact - Sioux Center Short Films

Sioux Center Pizza Ranch has built a strong relationship with their local Christian College - Dordt University. Sioux Center Pizza Ranch helps sponsor and support different academic and athletic events at the University. Each fall and spring Pizza Ranch is excited to welcome back the college students as guests and some as staff members. One Pizza Ranch team member, Drew DeVries, created a promo video for the Sioux Center location for one of his final projects for his film class. You can see these videos and the testimonies of the general managers in the links below!

Picture of two hands holding a black book entitled MISSION

Monday Mission - Work as a Mission Field

At Pizza Ranch our mission is to give every guest a legendary experience, and when we do so, we believe that we are also accomplishing our vision to glorify God by positively impacting the world.

Thankful Heart

Friday Devotional - Thankful Heart

One of my favorite things to do is take my family out to eat when we can. It brings me joy to break bread, talk and laugh together.

Sad Puppy in the Rain

Thursday Thoughts - God's Plan is Better

My dog is not a fan of the rain. But she is a fan of walks. When it is raining and the regular time for her walk comes and goes, she will get more adamant about wanting a walk, maybe even risking a whimper or two to make her point. We will respond with a “No, it’s not walk time” or “No, it’s raining” but she doesn’t like that answer. Sometimes I think this is similar to how Christians act.

dog with ball in mouth

Tuesday Truth - What are you doing with your gifts?

My dog’s response to new toys reminds me of how Christians sometimes act with the gifts God has blessed them with. We get so excited about our gifts and talents, but we aren’t willing to surrender our gifts back to God to let Him use them for His Kingdom.

dog sitting on a doorstep

Monday Mission - Living in God’s Laws

A little over 2 years ago my husband and I adopted a 5-month-old puppy from our nearby Animal Shelter. Over the years our 20-pound puppy has grown into a 70-pound dog and taught us not only a lot about pet ownership, but also a lot about our faith in God. This week I wanted to share some of those lessons with you all!