Friday Devotional – The Source of Wisdom
When I was young, I met with an older Christian once a week to learn more about what it meant to be a Christian. In other words, he discipled me. We talked about a lot of different truths in the Bible, but also about all the stuff we hear and see in the world. It was so, so good for me. I’d say that the most important thing he taught me was to get in the habit of reading the Bible every day.

Thursday Thought – Foreshadowing
Today we are doing our final look into Genesis 22:1-19. If you haven’t read the passage yet, or it has been a bit since you did, I recommend reading through these quick 19 verses one more time. The best part of this story by far, is how it foreshadows the greatest sacrifice ever made – Christ’s death on the cross!

Wednesday Story of Impact – Bethesda Christian Counseling
This week we have talked a lot about life when God puts you to the test or you feel called to do the impossible. One of Pizza Ranch’s Ministry Partners in Bethesda Christian Counseling which works to restore and sustain wholeness in the lives of all people in the name of Christ. Bethesda seeks to help clients achieve more satisfying and productive lives in the contexts of their family, church, community and workplace.

Tuesday Truth - Don't Delay!
We are going to continue our closer look at Abraham's testing in Genesis 22. If you haven’t read this passage, I recommend reading it now, so it is fresh in your mind as we dive in! One aspect of this story that stuck out to me when I read it this week was how quickly Abraham followed God’s command...

Monday Mission - Trust Through the Test
This week we are going to be taking a deep dive into Genesis 22:1-19. Whether you have never read this section of scripture before, or if you have read it a hundred times, I recommend taking a moment to click on that link and read the passage before we dive in.

Friday Devotional - Possess What's Yours
Possess What’s Yours - Devotion content from “Resilient Hope,” by Christine Caine. Deuteronomy 1:8 8 Look, I am giving all this land to you! Go in and occupy it, for it is the land the Lord swore to give to your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and to all their descendants.’”

Thursday Thoughts
Life can be very difficult at times and none of us would choose the difficulties. It’s during these times we question the “why”.

Wednesday Story of Impact
A recent article in the La Crosse Tribune highlighted Tristen Landers from our Pizza Ranch there. It tells the amazing story of how she overcame addiction, and a felony record to make something better of her life as well as the lives of those around her every day.

Tuesday Truth - The Resistance Secret
Why does someone lift weights? To become stronger. How does that occur? Through the principle of resistance. The same is with God. God calls each of us to grow.

Monday Mission - What Holds Your Heart?
Do you ever feel like God is distant or quiet in your life? While there may be many different reasons for this, it may be a good time to reflect upon yourself to see what you are really pursuing in life.

Friday Devotional - The Heavens Declare His Glory
The Bible declares that God is all around us…all the time. Not just when we’re thinking about it. It’s a promise that He’s made to all who believe. And the great news is, it’s completely independent of our awareness of Him.

Thursday Thought - God is really, really, really, really big
The God of the Bible is HUGE