Pizza Ranch Serves

Purple flowers emerging through the snow

Tuesday Truth - There is Hope

Content provided by guest writer, Jenna Finkenhoefer. A few years ago, I was walking through the garden area in early spring, and saw in a sheltered area crocuses that were starting to emerge and bloom. I commented to the person who was gardening that I was so happy to see any signs of spring. His reply was “It’s God’s way of letting us know there is hope.”

Field of Purple Flowers

Monday Mission - Remember There is a Reason for Every Season

Content provided by guest writer, Jenna Finkenhoefer. I’ll be the first to admit it. This time of year between winter and spring is difficult for me. Living in the Midwest, I’m guessing that I’m not alone in this sentiment. In mid-February I begin counting the days until time changes. Each day as the snow starts to melt and I see earth in my garden and flower beds...

Wednesday Story of Impact – Prayer Requests

I’ve always felt like the Pizza Ranch Support Center is a special place to work for a lot of reasons. I get along with pretty everyone here, have a great team I get to work with every day and (because #honesty) there’s usually some sort of pizza or other snacks in the breakroom.

Tuesday Truth – Be Strong and Courageous

One of my favorite themes of the Bible is how God promises to be with us. In the book Joshua, Joshua was appointed as the new leader of the Israelites after Moses died and God was calling him to some epic battles.