Wednesday Story of Impact - Corporate Stores Clean-Up
As a kid, my parents taught me to clean up my room, set the table, empty the trash cans and how to do other chores around the house. The goal was always to take care of what we had and to be good stewards of what God provided us with.
Tuesday Truth - Strong Fortress
Proverbs 18:10 – The name of the Lord is a strong fortress; the godly run to him and are safe. As I was thinking about God’s truths as I sat down to write today’s post, this verse jumped to my mind.
Monday Mission - Living Water
We’re in the middle of summer right now in Iowa and even though we saw some cooler temperatures last week, we know the Midwest well enough to see the hot July heat coming back soon.
Friday Devotional – Psalm 45
Growing up, I had parents that taught me where to find truth in my life. They guided me on what to hold as important and who to listen to. How about you? Who and what has influenced your life the most?
Thursday Thoughts - Go to God with your troubles
Do you feel overwhelmed with life sometimes? God says we need to go to him.
Wednesday Story of Impact - Beyond the Yellow Ribbon
Isanti County Beyond the Yellow Ribbon which is an organization that works to support Isanti County’s military service members, veterans, and their families.
Tuesday Truths - Dependence on God
God is our source of strength, hope, and life. With out Him we are nothing.
Monday Mission - Stand up and be bold
We need to stand up and be bold proclaimers of the One who saved, knows, and loves us more than anything.
Friday Devotional - Staying in the Word by Peyton Brasser
Today I am going to talk about STAYING in the word I have found myself going through dry patches in bible reading ○ Feel empty when I don’t read the Bible
Thursday Thoughts - Walked with God
Who has never died?
Wednesday Stories of Impact - Sioux City Olympian
Mitchell Betsworth, part of our Sioux City Pizza Ranch team, earned high accolades at the Special Olympics World Games!
Tuesday Truths - 1 Corinthians 10:13
1 Corinthians 10:13