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Friday Devotional - A Prayer

What a blessing it is to find out people have been praying for us. Right? To know that others have taken time to lift us up to the Lord in prayer. It’s special. It’s just one of the blessings of being a believer.

zoomed in photo of a sparrow sitting on a tree branch

Thursday Thoughts - Positivity

How have your thoughts changed this week?  On Monday we challenged ourselves to be kinder to ourselves in the ways we think and talk to ourselves. On Tuesday I shared about the three questions we can use to assess those thoughts: 1. Is it true? 2. Is it helpful? 3. Is it kind?

white canvas with the words "think positive" in calligraphy on it

Tuesday Truth - Assessing our Thoughts

Yesterday I shared about catching ourselves in negative self-talk and talking to ourselves positively instead. One way to assess if our thoughts are positive or negative is to ask these 3 questions (from Jon Acuff in his book Soundtracks: The Surprising Solution to Overthinking)

Black post card with the word Prayer in white centered on top of white post cards with the word praise scattered underneath

Friday Devotional - Praise!

David has always been one of my favorite Bible characters. That was especially true when I was young. I’ve always found his writing to be so easy to read and to be very relatable. When I look at passages throughout the Bible today, I still will look to see if David had anything to say on the matter. An example of this is the topic of praise.

Man standing in a hay field at late sunset tossing a branch into the air

Thursday Thought - What if we Let Go and Let God?

What if, just for today, you decide to let go of something that you've been struggling with and let God take it on and lead you through it? Give it a try and see how God works things out. . .

Partial photo of a woman with a red, white, and navy plaid flannel shirt standing in front of a creamy brick background holding the cursive word joy

Tuesday Truth - The Joy of the Lord is My Strength!

Though tears may fall My song will rise, my song will rise to You Though my heart may fail My song will rise, my song will rise to You While there's breath in my lungs I will praise You, Lord