Pizza Ranch Serves

Tuesday Truth - Good Fruit vs. Bad Fruit

In Matthew 7:15-20, Jesus spent some time talking about Good Fruit vs. Bad Fruit. Similar to the Fruits of the Spirit we talked about yesterday, Jesus taught that people will know His followers based on the fruit that they produce:

Monday Mission - Pick a Fruit

It’s not technically spring yet, but tomorrow is March 1st and to me, that counts enough to start talking about planting crops. Living the Midwest and having farmers in my family and community, there’s plenty of talk a lot of planting in the spring and harvest in the fall. While I won’t claim to know a soybean seed from a corn seed, I can certainly tell the difference between the two plants once they start to grow and produce.


Monday Mission - God's Creation

Have you ever taken a break from your fast-paced life to look around at what God has created? To be awed by God's creation, you don't have to go to the Grand Canyon or the Tropics at dusk to truly be in awe of God.

Friday Devotional - What Is God Unexpectedly Calling You To?

I’m an Enneagram 1, which is “The Perfectionist”. Some characteristic traits are being conscientious & ethical, having a strong sense of right & wrong, always striving to improve things but fear making mistakes and well-organized, orderly and detail ordered. Now you know exactly who I am because this is me to a T 😊

Thursday Thought - God is Love

My beloved friends, let us continue to love each other since love comes from God. Everyone who loves is born of God and experiences a relationship with God. The person who refuses to love doesn’t know the first thing about God, because God is love—so you can’t know him if you don’t love. This is how God showed his love for us: God sent his only Son into the world so we might live through him.

Wednesday Stories

Wednesday Story of Impact - Waukesha, WI Impacts Community

The Pizza Ranch in Waukesha, WI continues to be a pillar of hope for their community. Last year the city experienced turmoil when a Christmas Parade turned tragic, storms devastated the area in July, and COVID continued to shock local charities, schools and organizations with closures and limited activities. #WaukeshaStrong became their anthem and the Pizza Ranch has stepped up to the plate on many occasions to make sure all are welcome and taken care of.

White background with small white heart-shaped bowl filled with red, pink and white sprinkles and some of the sprinkles spilled around the bowl

Tuesday Truth - Perfect Love

In our fallen human state, we are incapable of the perfect love that our hearts desire. Christ, however, has set the example for us and described how we should love others in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7.

Wooden table with red, pink and white cutout paper hearts and white fuzzy fabric laid over the top.

Monday Mission - Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day! Whether you recognize today as a day to celebrate or not, something that IS worth celebrating is the truth that God loves YOU. I love this reminder from Ephesians 3: 17B-19,