Pizza Ranch Serves

Muddy River

Friday Devotional - Obedience

Have you ever struggled with being obedient to God? There are lots of reasons we can struggle with obedience: Fear, Pride, Laziness, Procrastination, Lack of Trust in God, Impatient with God’s timing, Busyness.

3 loaves of bread

Tuesday Truth - I am the Bread of Life

I love bread, it's one of my favorite foods. Bread has been a staple food for centuries. Bread is a pretty basic food that can be prepared with just a few ingredients. It's a pretty simple way to provide nourishment to hungry bellies throughout the world. Jesus explains in John 6:32-35, that he is the "Bread of Life." What does that really mean?

2 Volkswagon cars, both white.  One old and one new.

Monday Mission - Stop Comparing

One of the challenges of being a Christian in the United States is that we all have so much. Maybe that seems like an odd challenge, but in a country of abundance it's easy to compare yourself to others.

Thursday Thought: Abiding + Pruning = Good Fruit

In the book of John, this titular disciple captures a sermon that Jesus gave about how to best grow, maintain and produce good fruit (see John 15:1-17 for the full message). Jesus spends quite a bit of time talking about how He is the vine and we are the branches. To produce good fruit, we need to stay close to Him by reading the Bible, spending time in prayer and in fellowship with other believers, building each other up and spurring each other on.