Pizza Ranch Serves

Garden with plants and statue of the word Hope in colorful letters

Friday Devotional - Advent Week 1 – Hope

We’re going to be looking at the four weeks of Advent. Advent is a season of preparation. It’s for us to prepare our hearts, minds, and spirits for the true meaning of Christmas. We want to be a living example of the hope, peace, joy and love that the birth of Jesus brings. All of the OT passages that point to the Savior bring hope.

Tuesday Truths - Now Thank We All Our God

Now thank we all our Godwith heart and hands and voices,who wondrous things has done,in whom his world rejoices;who from our mothers' armshas blessed…

Monday Mission: Be Thankful

As we enter this week of Thanksgiving, the phrase, "give thanks" or "be thankful" is thrown around a lot. Ask yourself are you truly…

word thankful in gold glitter stickers on a piece of wood with paper shapes of leaves, pumpkins and acorns around it.

Friday Devotional - A Thankful Heart

I’ve heard many people in the course of my life ask me “How do I get closer to God?” or, “How can I get my prayer life better?” In a devotional I read recently, I was reminded of the answer to these questions. I believe that the fastest way to get closer to God, and have a better prayer life, is by having a thankful heart. To be thanking God throughout the day.