Monday Mission - Face Your Giants
We face (and will face) many giants in our lifetime. Health challenges, relationship issues, school difficulties, projects at work, and so much more.

Expectation vs. Reality
Recently my 4-year old daughter has been very interested in goats. Like, the animal (not her dad, although he would have her believe that he’s the GOAT). A few weeks ago we went to a Nature Center with live animals and I thought that maybe there would be a goat there… but we checked all live animals and no goats were to be found.

Thursday Thoughts - Prayer
Have you spent more time in prayer this week? I know I have been blessed by not just bringing my requests to God, but by focusing on WHO he is and WHAT he does, not just what he does for me. In my quiet time this week I also spent time looking up Bible verses about prayer and noticing the different characteristics of God throughout those passages. Here is some of my list. What can you add to it?

Wednesday Story of Impact - Grinnell Pizza Ranch
When a community is rattled by a tragedy, its people step up. That's what Shelly, the Manager of the Grinnell Pizza Ranch did when a young boy from their community went missing.

Tuesday Truths - Matthew 6: 9-13
God's Word never needs anything added to it.

Monday Mission - Prayer
The topic of prayer has been front-of-mind for me recently and God is revealing new and beautiful things through His Word as I seek scripture about prayer. Many of us know we can pray anywhere, anytime and about anything, but how often are those prayers self-focused requests?

Friday Devotional - The Mystery of Jesus Christ
Digging into what all of this means...the Mystery, Being Changed, the last Trumpet, and more!

Thursday Thoughts - Commitment
Another great quote on commitment from Shola Richards at this year's Global Leadership Conference...

Wednesday Stories of Impact: Game Plan for Life
The outreach ministry partnership continues between Pizza Ranch and Joe Gibb's Game Plan for Life In Ames, IA, on August 25!

Tuesday Truth: Joshua 1:9 Be Strong & Courageous
Joshua 1:9 "Be Strong and Courageous"

Monday Mission - Be Brave!
Michelle Poler spoke at the Global Leadership Conference recently and shared some great insights on conquering fears.

Friday Devotional - Jesus in the Book of Zephaniah
We’ve been working through the Old Testament looking for the New Testament Jesus hundreds, even thousands, of years before He was born. They’re all…