Pizza Ranch Serves

Pray Like You Mean It

Mathew 6:7: "And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words."

Monday Mission - Unity not Division

In this political season and throughout our culture, there has been more division than ever. Whether it be in regards to policy, reforms, or…

Sunset with word wisdom on the sky

Friday Devotional - Jesus in the Book of Proverbs

There’s no doubt that Proverbs is one of the best known Old Testament books both inside and outside of Christianity. We’ve found this to be true in our study of Jesus in the Old Testament; He declared that the entire Old Testament was written about him (Luke 24:44). We now have the opportunity to come to every book of the OT seeing that connection to Him. Proverbs points to Jesus in its pursuit of wisdom (Proverbs 1:2).

Person holding 4 red apples

Tuesday Truth - We are all Sinners

The first sin recorded in the Bible happens at the very beginning, in Genesis, when the woman created by God takes and eats an apple from the one tree she and the man were instructed not to eat from.

Friday Devotions

1 Tim 2:1-8 (The Gospel, prayer, and pleasing God)

Tuesday Truths - Be the David

Sometimes in life God will put a Goliath in front of you, and it's up to you to be the David. …

Binoculars sitting on their case

Friday Devotional - Jesus in the Book of Psalm

I often wonder what it would be like to see into the future; imagine what we could do with that information! Imagine being able to see, for example, what the life of your child would be like. What they would do and see, how they would act and live, and even how they would die someday. It might be a little scary. Well, today we’ll see a crazy amount of examples again in the Old Testament…this time in the Book of Psalm.