Pizza Ranch Serves

Song Nobody

Tuesday Truths - Nobody

Drums Photo Credit: Unsplash Gabriel Barletta I am not much into music but when I hear songs like this one I just have to share!

Wedding rings and red tulips on top of Wedding program

Friday Devotional - Jesus in the Book of Song of Solomon

I remember seeing my wife for the first time on our wedding day. My breath was taken away. It was a moment that I’ll never forget. I was in love with her before that special day, but it went to another level as I watched her come down that aisle. When I read the book of Songs of Solomon, I remember that day, but I’m also reminded of a more important meaning found there.

Tuesday Truth- Romans 13:1

Today is a great day to remember the verse in Scripture regarding who is the authority in the life of a Christian. Romans 13:1 Submission…

Thursday Thoughts

Have you ever considered how trust is earned over time? Its obvious that those we trust are those who are closest to us, but have you considered the same with God?

Wednesday Story of Impact

The Grass Roots ownership group has spent the month of October focusing on breast cancer awareness and support.