Pizza Ranch Serves

zoomed in photo of a sparrow sitting on a tree branch

Thursday Thoughts - Positivity

How have your thoughts changed this week?  On Monday we challenged ourselves to be kinder to ourselves in the ways we think and talk to ourselves. On Tuesday I shared about the three questions we can use to assess those thoughts: 1. Is it true? 2. Is it helpful? 3. Is it kind?

“The people around us don’t really need to know what WE think of them, as much as what GOD thinks of them.”

Thursday Thought

It can be so easy to notice the flaws in someone, but how often do we take time to vocalize and celebrate their gifts and talents? How often do we celebrate them for being the person God made them to be?

I am The Way and The Truth and The Life

Thursday Thought - Receiving God's Best for Your Life

Surrendering your life to Jesus plans has always felt a little scary to me. What will he ask of me? Will I have to give up things? What if I don't like the direction he tells me to go? Recently I read a book that challenged me and reminded me of a few key things that helped put my mind at ease.

Sunset with a crossroads sign silhouette

Thursday Thoughts - Many Good Choices

Often we can get tied into this idea that one path is right, and the other is wrong. However not every time is there a "right" or "wrong" decision. Sometime God presents you with 2 good options. Move forward in confidence that whichever path you take – if you are obedient to God and serve him faithfully – you will find blessings.

Laptop with image that says "Work hard anywhere"

Thursday Thought - We're Created to Work

I read a book recently and was inspired by the message of how God created man and woman to work. Our modern day culture has us looking forward to the weekend or our next vacation or eventually retirement. But what if we're actually called to find joy in the work that we do each day?