Tuesday Truth - The Resistance Secret
Why does someone lift weights? To become stronger. How does that occur? Through the principle of resistance. The same is with God. God calls each of us to grow.

Monday Mission - What Holds Your Heart?
Do you ever feel like God is distant or quiet in your life? While there may be many different reasons for this, it may be a good time to reflect upon yourself to see what you are really pursuing in life.

Friday Devotional - The Heavens Declare His Glory
The Bible declares that God is all around us…all the time. Not just when we’re thinking about it. It’s a promise that He’s made to all who believe. And the great news is, it’s completely independent of our awareness of Him.

Thursday Thought - God is really, really, really, really big
The God of the Bible is HUGE

Wednesday Story of Impact - Pizza Ranch Omaha
Pizza Ranch Omaha worked to make a wish for a youngster battling cancer

Tuesday Truth - God is with you in your distress
Many of us struggle at times with the stresses of life. Or the random circumstances that bring pain, sorrow, sadness, or confusion. Whether it…

Monday Mission - Rejoice!
Did you know the word "rejoice" and it's similes appear in the Bible over 300 times? Here are a couple examples of how and when…

Friday Devotional
Devotional by Kate Aberson. Have you noticed how sometimes God provides a quick answer to some prayers and a slow answer to others?

Thursday Thought - Where do you see the majesty and power of God?
Does God show his power in big miracles or tiny moments? Is his majesty displayed in the Grand Canyon or the pile of ants on the sidewalk? How about the public speaker declaring a message from God versus a prayer offered in silence?

Wednesday Mission - Cottleville, MO First Responder Night
Excited that our Cottleville, MO Pizza Ranch will be hosting a Community Impact Night tomorrow night for the First Responders in their area.

Tuesday Truth - You are Valuable
Value is defined by lots of different things. We value things based on price, usefulness, having desirable characteristics or qualities.

Monday Mission - Search Inward
At church right now we’re studying the book of Daniel. Daniel was relocated, by King Nebuchadnezzar, from Jerusalem to Babylon where he was trained in the ways of Babylon. He was given a new name and offered food from the King’s table.