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Today's Post


Monday Mission - What Holds Your Heart?

Do you ever feel like God is distant or quiet in your life? While there may be many different reasons for this, it may be a good time to reflect upon yourself to see what you are really pursuing in life.

Monday Mission - Rejoice!

Did you know the word "rejoice" and it's similes appear in the Bible over 300 times? Here are a couple examples of how and when…


Friday Devotional

Devotional by Kate Aberson. Have you noticed how sometimes God provides a quick answer to some prayers and a slow answer to others?

Search Inward

Monday Mission - Search Inward

At church right now we’re studying the book of Daniel. Daniel was relocated, by King Nebuchadnezzar, from Jerusalem to Babylon where he was trained in the ways of Babylon. He was given a new name and offered food from the King’s table.