Wednesday Stories of Impact - Wildwood Hills Ranch Testimony
At Wildwood Hills Ranch, the mission is to transform lives and strengthen communities by providing healing, hope and God’s unconditional love to children and youth at risk.

Tuesday Truths - None Forgotten
A troubled kid. An elderly veteran. What might these two individuals have in common? They are two kinds of people often overlooked by society and thrown to the wayside. We know our lord doesn’t do this.

Monday Mission - Unspoken Prayers
If we don’t have the courage to speak our prayers out, how will we know how to give God glory? That’s something that’s been on my mind.

Friday Devotional - The Storms
In 1942 there was a book written by C. S. Lewis called, “The Screwtape Letters.” It’s a book that takes the form of letters from a Sr. demon named Screwtape, to his nephew and Jr. tempter, named Wormwood.

Thursday Thoughts - The Good Shepherd and The Lamb
Isn’t it interesting how Jesus is described as both the Good Shepherd and the Lamb of God?

Wednesday Stories of Impact - Testimony
Over the years, Pizza Ranch has partnered with Praying Pelican Missions in Jamaica, where we have helped with various work projects and spent time encouraging and being encouraged by others.

Tuesday Truths - Resurrection & The Life
As we look forward to the hope of Easter, we remember that Jesus is the resurrection and the life.

Monday Mission - Alpha and Omega
This week, as we prepare our hearts during Lent, we're going to look at who Jesus is.

Friday Devotional - 3 Minute Stillness Challenge
I want you to take part in a little exercise where you will take the next 3 minutes to close your eyes while you…

Thursday Thoughts-Be Silent. Be Still.
Be silent. Be still. Alone, empty before your God. Say nothing, ask nothing.

Wednesday Story of Impact - Who is Cru?
Who is Cru®? Cru® is a caring community passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ. Our purpose is to help fulfill the Great Commission in the power of the Holy Spirit by winning people to faith in Jesus Christ, building them in their faith, and sending them to win and build others. We help the body of Christ do evangelism and discipleship in a variety of creative ways. Cru® offers spiritual guidance, resources and programs tailored to people from all cultures in every walk of life. Pizza Ranch is a proud partner of this organization and we would encourage you to click on the link below to find out more!

Tuesday Truth-Stand Still and See. . .
"Now then, stand still and see this great thing the LORD is about to do before your eyes!" I Samuel 12:16 (NIV)