Monday Mission - Ask for Wisdom
Solomon asks for Wisdom - 1 Kings 3:5-14

Monday Mission - From Knowing About to Knowing Him
There is a big difference between knowing someone on an intellectual and factual level and knowing someone on an intimate and deeper level. I know a lot about the NBA basketball star LeBron James. I know where he went to high school, his career stats and

Monday Mission - Be Present
Have you ever had a conversation with someone that seems distracted? You may be talking to them but their eyes are either somewhere else or perhaps on their phone? You may be thirty seconds into a story or a question you have for them, only for them to respond with, “Sorry can you say that again?” How does this make you feel when this happens?

Monday Mission-Challenge Your Outlook
I was recently reading a European legend about a great kingdom whose roadway to the capital city was obstructed by a large boulder setting in the middle of the roadway not far from the gates of the city. Many travelers were forced to detour around it, and many complained about it's presence and how something should be done about it. Finally, a man came along who was different.

Monday Mission - The Love Chapter Test
1 Corinthians 13 is commonly nicknamed “The Love Chapter”. Often read at weddings, this chapter talks all about the nature of love. But before we jump into this famous chapter on love, let’s take a look at 1 John 4:16, “...God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.”

Monday Mission - Fulfilling the Law in Love
Many of us have probably heard the simple breakdown of the 10 commandments – The first 4 commandments tell us how to love God, and the next 6 commandments tell us how to love others.

Monday Mission - Helping a Neighbor

Monday Mission - Capture and tell the stories of God
Psalm 78:4 We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generationthe glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and…

Monday Mission - Serve Others
Mission for this week is to serve others. For those living in NW Iowa, the flooding in local communities is providing ample opportunities to…

Monday Mission – Trust God with Today and Tomorrow
A couple of weeks ago, we had a really beautiful morning, so I took my Bible, blanket and coffee to my deck. I opened…

Monday Mission - God Will Meet Us
Do you ever feel like you need to “clean up” your act before going to God? God does not require that of us, He…

Monday Mission - Nothing Can Separate
In seasons of hardship and trials, it might feel like God is far away at times. However, that is not the case. Scripture assures…