Monday Mission - Comfort Zone
It’s so easy to go about our daily lives surrounding ourselves with those that we feel most comfortable with. We surround ourselves with people…

Monday Mission - Ask. . .Seek. . .Knock. . .
Matthew 7:8 NIV For everyone who asks receives: the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. I love…

Monday Mission – Set Your Heading
Pilots have a rule called the “1 in 60 rule”. For every 1 degree you are off course, you will end up 1 mile further away from your destination for every 60 miles you travel. While one degree and one mile might not seem that much at first, the longer you travel at the wrong trajectory, the further off-course you get. The same is true in our faith.

Monday Mission : Ask for Help
I'm quick to say "if you want something done right, do it yourself". Does this sound like you? Do you have a hard time…

Monday Mission - Heart of Service
Heart of Service is a combination of attitude and character that leads to helping others.

Monday Mission - Forgiveness
Today's Content Provided by Jenna Finkenhoefer Sometimes I receive what I refer to as “God nudges”; you know, those times that you keep receiving the same message over and over in various forms, until you FINALLY realize that God is sending you a message?

Monday Mission - Spring Renewal
Today is the first day of April. While it is best known as April Fool’s Day, here on the blog I want us to think about it as the first day of Spring Renewal.

Monday Mission - Studying Scriptures
I believe the value of spending time in the Scriptures is not emphasized enough in our current times. Why read it? Reading the Bible is a huge part of how we follow Jesus.

Monday Mission - Seek Wisdom
Proverbs 9 - The Invitations of Wisdom and Folly Which company are you pursuing? The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding (v. 10).

Monday Mission - Small Steps
How are we all doing on our New Year’s Resolutions? Some of us may have made a goal to work out more or lose a certain amount of weight. Others may have wanted to read the Bible more. Maybe there is a relationship that you want to fix this year. Many times, we have great goals in hopes to better ourselves.

Monday Mission - Creativity
This week, let’s explore creativity. Let’s start at the beginning of everything. Genesis 1:1 - "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth".

Monday Mission-Where is Your Focus?
My word for this year is focus and I have been challenged a lot lately with all the many different things that are going on in my life. I am super thankful that I have made the habit of doing devotions each and every morning to help keep my focus where it needs to be.