Monday Mission - Self-Control & Self-Discipline
This week we are going to focus on self-control and self-discipline. While the dictionary definitions of these words make them almost interchangeable, there are some slight differences in how these words can be interpreted in the English language...

Monday Mission : Blinders
Who do you surround yourself with? Do you live with your own set of blinders on, perhaps unaware of the way you are going…

Monday Mission - Weakness
Admitting weaknesses is a challenging thing to do in today’s culture.

Monday Mission - Be Silent, Be Still, Be Calm
This story in Exodus is about God rescuing the Israelites from the Egyptians. If you have a few minutes, read the entire chapter. Different translations word this verse differently. Notice the word at the end of each verse. Silent. Calm. Still.

Monday Mission - Fire's Result
I’m not one to talk about high school very often, but in the last 2 weeks, it’s come up several times. The high school I went to wasn’t the wealthy high school in my area. It wasn’t the nicest and we weren’t the best in sports. Off-handedly I joked that “well, if the fire doesn’t destroy you, it will refine you!”

Monday Mission - Are you ready?
Now that this is the second week of 2024, I’m still thinking about what this year could look like for me. I heard the question asked in a podcast, “Is your soul ready for 2024?”. That really got me thinking; am I truly bringing God into my life and into all my plans.

Monday Mission - The Lord's Timing
Following God's direction can be difficult. Even when we are sure of our course of action, the timing and the "how" may still be a mystery. King David's direction was certain but his path unknown.

Monday Mission--Read the Christmas Story
The Monday Mission for this week is to read the Christmas story! My favorite version is from Luke 2! Enjoy reading and have a Merry Christmas! Photo by Dan Kiefer on Unsplash

Monday Mission – Created to Work
When your alarm clock went off this morning and you had to get ready for your day, what was your attitude? With Christmas being a week from today, it’s not uncommon for folks to feel “checked-out” from work right before the holidays. Maybe you are the opposite – anxious and stressed about all that needs to get done before the holidays. But as you prepared for work this morning, did you consider what a blessing it is to work?

Monday Mission - Let Jesus In
Let Jesus into your heart, give it over to him. Don't pretend that you can do this on your own. Asking for Jesus to…

Monday Mission - Service
Pizza Ranch’s Vision is to “To glorify God by positively impacting the world”.

Monday Mission - “Don’t be a “MARTHA”
Content provided by Jenna Finkenhoefer “Don’t be a “MARTHA” (Unless, of course, your name is Martha) I’m sure you are familiar with the story of Martha and Mary (Luke 10: 38-42). Each time I hear the story of Mary and Martha, especially the week of Thanksgiving, when my plate is literally overflowing with tasks to complete prior to the holiday, I can completely relate to Martha, and can appreciate her frustration with her sister Mary. “What the heck Mary? Can’t you see I’m busy here?!”