Pizza Ranch Serves

3 runners running into the sun

Monday Mission - Self-Control & Self-Discipline

This week we are going to focus on self-control and self-discipline. While the dictionary definitions of these words make them almost interchangeable, there are some slight differences in how these words can be interpreted in the English language...

Person with their finger to their lips, shhh.

Monday Mission - Be Silent, Be Still, Be Calm

This story in Exodus is about God rescuing the Israelites from the Egyptians. If you have a few minutes, read the entire chapter. Different translations word this verse differently. Notice the word at the end of each verse. Silent. Calm. Still.

Monday Mission - Fire's Result

I’m not one to talk about high school very often, but in the last 2 weeks, it’s come up several times. The high school I went to wasn’t the wealthy high school in my area. It wasn’t the nicest and we weren’t the best in sports. Off-handedly I joked that “well, if the fire doesn’t destroy you, it will refine you!”

Open Bible and cup of coffee next to lake.

Monday Mission - Are you ready?

Now that this is the second week of 2024, I’m still thinking about what this year could look like for me. I heard the question asked in a podcast, “Is your soul ready for 2024?”. That really got me thinking; am I truly bringing God into my life and into all my plans.


Monday Mission - The Lord's Timing

Following God's direction can be difficult. Even when we are sure of our course of action, the timing and the "how" may still be a mystery. King David's direction was certain but his path unknown.

shot looking down at a table as hands type on laptops

Monday Mission – Created to Work

When your alarm clock went off this morning and you had to get ready for your day, what was your attitude? With Christmas being a week from today, it’s not uncommon for folks to feel “checked-out” from work right before the holidays. Maybe you are the opposite – anxious and stressed about all that needs to get done before the holidays. But as you prepared for work this morning, did you consider what a blessing it is to work?

People Gathered around a table, eating together

Monday Mission - “Don’t be a “MARTHA”

Content provided by Jenna Finkenhoefer “Don’t be a “MARTHA” (Unless, of course, your name is Martha) I’m sure you are familiar with the story of Martha and Mary (Luke 10: 38-42). Each time I hear the story of Mary and Martha, especially the week of Thanksgiving, when my plate is literally overflowing with tasks to complete prior to the holiday, I can completely relate to Martha, and can appreciate her frustration with her sister Mary. “What the heck Mary? Can’t you see I’m busy here?!”