Monday Mission - Be a Light
Daylight savings time where we “fell back” an hour was 3 weeks ago; how are we all doing? Are you an early morning person who is loving the sunrises that are earlier now? Are you a night-owl who feels like we have an eternity of darkness every evening?

Monday Mission - The Essence of Healing
As we explore the many beautiful and intimate ways Jesus comes to heal our inner being, keep in mind that whatever the damage may be, in any realm of your inner being, the essence of healing prayer is always to facilitate the presence of Jesus into the specific places of damage.

Monday Mission - Put Forth the Effort
Put forth the effort - No matter the time or cost. Leaders must take their roles in full view of God's laws, and everyone must follow what is right, regardless of what the leader does.

Monday Mission - Be the Salt
Matthew 5:13-16 says, “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.

Monday Mission - Be OK
It's OK to say you're not OK...OK?

Monday Mission - Prayer for Family and Friends
Recently I ran across this prayer and have started to consistently and mindfully pray this daily for my family and friends. I want to encourage you to consider doing the same this week and trust that God will use it!

Monday Mission - Rejoice & Be Glad In It
Psalm 118:24 reminds us "This is the day the LORD has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it." This is easy to do when things go according to plan, but I was recently given a tough reminder of what this looks like when things don't go as you anticipate....

Monday Mission - Enjoy the Creation
In the past week or two, the mornings have been absolutely perfect in Iowa. They have been clear, calm, and cool. I watched an entire sunrise for the first time in my life with my wife the other day. I couldn’t help but ask myself, “Why did it take this long for me to watch a sunrise?” I was blown away by the beauty of God’s creation that morning.

Monday Mission - Comfortable Environment
Today we are looking at a comfortable environment. When we think about comfort here is a few words:

Monday Mission - Remember to Celebrate
It's my dad's birthday today. What a great reason to celebrate! Bring on the cake, maybe some candles and gifts. Did you know that the Bible mentions celebrating? In biblical times people celebrated feasts, the Passover, victory in a battle just to name a few.

Monday Mission – Labor Day & The Gift of Work
Happy Labor Day friend! We have reached the unofficial end of summer, which means we all need to pack away our white pants until Memorial Day rolls around again.

Monday Mission - Don't Look Back
Current events seem to becoming more and more unstable. It feels as though there is so much division between people and only negative stories everywhere you turn. On the positive side, this is just a sign of the end times and that Jesus’ return is imminent. This should prompt us to stay on guard during these times.