Pizza Ranch Serves

Fence painted with the words "Never Stop Loving"

Monday Mission - Love and Love Some More

Hopefully many of you were able to show some love to your Mom's or other significant women yesterday as our country celebrated Mother's Day. Today I'd like to encourage you to continue loving as you go through today, tomorrow and all the days in future.

Man standing on hill overlooking green valley.

Monday Mission - Kingdom of God

Do you want to see your family, friends, neighbors, strangers come to have a personal relationship with Christ? What if we intentionally/aggressively sought to advance the Kingdom of God?

Field of Purple Flowers

Monday Mission - Remember There is a Reason for Every Season

Content provided by guest writer, Jenna Finkenhoefer. I’ll be the first to admit it. This time of year between winter and spring is difficult for me. Living in the Midwest, I’m guessing that I’m not alone in this sentiment. In mid-February I begin counting the days until time changes. Each day as the snow starts to melt and I see earth in my garden and flower beds...

Silhouette man praying in nature

Monday Mission - Prayer

Prayer…How often do we stop and talk to God? Is it just a quick request or do we take time to really spend intimate time with God? The Shema prayer, in Deuteronomy 6:4-5, is one of the most famous prayers in the Bible. “Hear O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is one. And as for you, you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.”