Wednesday Story of Impact- Pizza Ranch Elk River, MN
The Pizza Ranch in Elk River, MN was recently honored as "Outstanding Disability Employer" by the Minnesota Organization for Habilitation and Rehabilitation, MOHR, during National Disability Employment Awareness Month in October.
Tuesday Truth- We are forgiven through Jesus
Human experience tells us that human love is conditional. It is usually based on how people look, or what they have, or how they…
Monday Mission- Lay Up Your Treasures in Heaven
Today, or each day this week, focus on laying up treasures in heaven.
Friday Devotional - The Promise of Eternal Life
When I was a child, our Sunday school teacher told us his definition of forever. It was something I’ve never forgotten. He said, “if a bird flew to the mountains every year, took a bite of the ground, then flew to the ocean and dropped it in, when the mountain finally became flat, that wouldn’t even be the beginning of forever.” I remember thinking that it would take forever for that bird to get that mountain flat. But then I got it, that was the point he was making. Forever is a very, very long time.
Thursday Thoughts - Fear Not!
Did you know the Bible contains 365 verses that state ‘fear not’? That’s one for everyday of the year! God’s inspired word is no coincidence and his providence is over all.
Wednesday – Stories of Impact
For years franchisee, Len Jentz, has been making an impact in his community at both of his locations in Waverly, IA and Charles City, IA. Len was awarded Pizza Ranch’s Community Impact Award at our 2019 National Conference.
Tuesday Truth - He is Good
Have you ever found yourself in constant prayer, asking for God’s help to overcome a circumstance? Maybe it is a life situation that you can not seem to overcome. Perhaps it’s a prayer you have been longing for such as healing a disease or mending a marriage.
Monday Mission - See God this Week
As summer gives way to fall, it brings with it so many wonderful things to look forward to – colorful foliage, breathtaking sunsets, & pumpkin cactus bread. With all these changes, it is easy to take for granted or overlook the beauty that is seen in creation.
Friday Devotional - Perseverance
One of the most difficult things about training for a half-marathon isn’t necessarily the running itself, it’s the constant repetition of having to go…
Thursday Thought - Take Control of Your Thoughts
Ever wonder how to have more peace, more confidence, more joy? What you think makes a difference. Taking control of your thoughts will significantly change your outlook and also your outcome.
Wednesday - Story of Impact - Generosity
In July Pizza Ranch welcomed a new location and several new team members to the PR Family. The new location was in Bismarck, ND. Prior to opening there was so much going on. Lots of intense training and last-minute preparations. Our training team did some fun activities and team members earned “stars” for tasks they learned and completed.
Tuesday Truth - Revival is Possible
Ever find yourself in a bad situation and think, “How did I get here?”