Monday Mission- Move Faith to the Forefront
As Spring gives way to Summer, our schedules seem to only get even more hectic. Activities with the kids, planning for that much needed vacation, and the honey-do list at home all seem to fill our days and our schedules. Many churches have switched to fewer services due to lower attendance, and our faith seems to get put to the back burner while life moves to the forefront.

Friday Devotional- LISTEN!
We’ve been going through the Book of Acts here at the Pizza Ranch Support Center. Today’s devotion picks up right after Saul, a man who had a dangerous reputation of persecution, was confronted by God in a blinding light. God tells him to go to Damascus and that someone would come and tell him what to do. A man named Ananias is sent by God to talk to Saul. Ananias hears and obeys God, even though he’s not too sure about it. (Acts 9:10-18).

Thursday Thoughts - Who is My Neighbor?
This week we’ve looked at ways in which we can help others, which leads us to an important commandment. Luke 10:25-29 tells us that we are to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.

Wednesday Stories of Impact - Serving at Inspiration Hills
The Leadership Team from the Pizza Ranch Support Center had the opportunity to volunteer at Inspiration Hills. The camp is preparing for the arrival of hundreds of campers coming for various camps throughout the summer weeks.

Tuesday Truth - God Created Us to Love Others
God not only created us to love others, but then also sent his son, Jesus, to be the perfect example of how to love others.

Monday Mission - Help a Non-Profit Organization
Monday Mission – Find a Non-Profit Organization to support. There are so many great organizations out there that need help.

Friday Devotional - A Changed Life
We’ve been going through the Book of Acts here at the Pizza Ranch Support Center. Today we looked at the story of a man named Saul. Saul was a Jewish leader who was doing everything he could to stop the good news of Jesus from being spread. He was breathing out murderous threats against Christians at this time.

Thursday Thought - How are you praying?
When you spend time in prayer, think about what you are actually praying for. Often times prayers can be repetitive and even mundane. What…

Wednesday Story of Impact - Rhinelander
On Sunday, May 12 a fire started at a Trig's baking and trucking facility in Rhinelander, WI where at least 8 fire departments were…

Tuesday Truths - This is the day

Monday Mission - Live in the moment
Life isn't about getting the job you always wanted, the car you always wanted, or life that you always wanted . Life is lived…

Friday Devotions - 90% Correct vs. 10% Wrong
What do you notice about this math? Is it that it was 10% wrong, or 90% right? It’s part of our sinful human nature…