Monday Mission - Hard Work
It's easy to have an idea, but it's another thing to commit time and effort to it.

Friday Devotional - Unity of Believers
We’ve been working through the Book of Acts, watching the early church flourish. The Spirit of God was moving. But then something started to happen, again. There was some division among the Christians.

Thursday Video
Many people have a tough time believing that God still speaks.

Wednesday Stories of Impact
I happened to be in Ashwaubenon this evening

Tuesday Truths
Hallelujah! Praise God!

Monday Mission
Last Wednesday evening I attended Ash Wednesday service our Pastor challenged us

Friday Devotional- Answered Prayers
What happens when we don't personally see the result of prayers? Does God hear our prayers? What about when we feel tired of praying?

Thursday Video - Work for the Glory of God
One year ago I shared "My why" for being with Pizza Ranch and it's connected to the purpose or Vision of our company, "To glorify God by positively impacting the world."

Wednesday Story of Impact- Your Impact on Us
While we hear many stories of impact from our restaurants, I want to take today to let you know that you know that YOU impact us!

Tuesday Truths- Romans 15:4
God knows exactly what kind of encouragement we need, and exactly at the right time. As I was praying over today's post He reminded me ...

Monday Mission- Believer or Disciple?
Recently I attended a Christian conference and was challenged to change the way I think about my role as a Christian. The question posed was, "Are you a Believer or a Disciple?"

Friday Devotional- Trust the Shepherd
The Great Shepherd will provide just enough for us each day.