Thursday Video- Ray Vander Laan on "Green Pastures"
This four minute video may open your eyes to see more clearly what God is saying in Psalm 23:2 and other Scripture references when the phrase "Green Pastures" is mentioned.

Wednesday Story of Impact- Litchfield, MN
Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus visit Litchfield, MN!!

Tuesday Truth- Longing for His return (2 Tim 4:8)
"Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing." 2 Timothy 4:8

Monday Mission- Give Thanks
"Whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives for ever and ever," -Revelation 4:9

Friday Devotional - Sharing Your Faith
Have you ever felt the nudge to share you faith with another person? It's what we're called to do, but it can be intimidating for many different reasons.

Thursday Clip - Jesus is Enough
While this clip is a little longer than most of the ones we share, I wanted to share this message with you as it had an impact on my heart. JESUS. IS. ENOUGH. Praying that Jesus is enough for YOU today, tomorrow, and always. May you feel the power of that truth in your life.

Wednesday Story of Impact - Green Bay, WI
The Pizza Ranch in Green Bay, WI gave a special honor to one of their tenured team members, Kendall, by voting him Employee of the Year!

Tuesday Truth- Isaiah 43:2
Isaiah 43: 2 “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;

Monday Mission - Aware of His Presence
“Let us become more aware of Your presence.” The lyric above comes from the bridge of the song ‘Holy Spirit’.

Friday Devotional - Misery Into Rejoicing
We’ve been traveling through the Book of Acts seeing amazing, life changing things happen. There have been miraculous signs and wonders filling the believers with excitement and unity. More and more people are becoming believers. We see God at work in great and powerful ways.

Thursday Video - Happy Valentines Day!
Happy Valentine’s Day! Although not a traditional Christian holiday, it’s certainly a great opportunity to express our appreciation to those we love.

Wednesday Story of Impact - Voted Best
The Dickinson Pizza Ranch is making an impact in their area. They were recently honored to receive 4 different "Voted Best" awards, recognizing them for their excellence in the restaurant industry in their area, know as the Western Edge.