Pizza Ranch Serves

Monday Mission - Helping the Poor

Luke 6:20-22 Jesus taught us that blessed are the poor, for the kingdom of God is theirs. And those who are hungry now will be…

White & Yellow Flowers

Thursday Thoughts - Spring and HOPE (part two)

Today's Content Provided by Jenna Finkenhoefer If you read my post earlier this week, you’ll know that I am becoming a big fan of spring. After a few cold/rainy slushy days over the past week, I am SO ready to see the signs of spring.

Field of Flowers in the Spring

Tuesday Truths - Spring and Hope

Today's Content Provided by Jenna Finkenhoefer Everyone seems to love fall. I get it, fall means changing leaves, autumn décor, pumpkin spice latte’s, soft scarves and fuzzy sweaters. However, I think spring is grossy underrated. Spring is the time for renewal...

Two hand reaching towards each other with pointer fingers reaching out almost touching

Monday Mission - Forgiveness

Today's Content Provided by Jenna Finkenhoefer Sometimes I receive what I refer to as “God nudges”; you know, those times that you keep receiving the same message over and over in various forms, until you FINALLY realize that God is sending you a message?