Wednesday Story of Impact - Wildwood Hills Ranch
This week I have shared some illustrations of my dog and how they remind me of how silly and foolish I can act at times in my faith. On the topic of sharing about animals, I thought I would highlight one of our ministry partners that works with animals & children.
Tuesday Truth - What are you doing with your gifts?
My dog’s response to new toys reminds me of how Christians sometimes act with the gifts God has blessed them with. We get so excited about our gifts and talents, but we aren’t willing to surrender our gifts back to God to let Him use them for His Kingdom.
Monday Mission - Living in God’s Laws
A little over 2 years ago my husband and I adopted a 5-month-old puppy from our nearby Animal Shelter. Over the years our 20-pound puppy has grown into a 70-pound dog and taught us not only a lot about pet ownership, but also a lot about our faith in God. This week I wanted to share some of those lessons with you all!
Friday Devotional – Psalm 43
When my bride and I moved away from where we live now, we were gone for about 6 years, I often found myself longing to come back. I thought about our dear friends, our amazing church fellowship, and even the changes in weather. I even found myself
Thursday Thoughts - Stirring Your Heart
Is the Lord stirring your heart? You may have had (or perhaps are currently) moments in your life where you feel compelled to act,…
Wednesday Stories of Impact - Rare Kindness
The Mission of Pizza Ranch is "To Glorify God by positively impacting the World" and we strive to accomplish that by "Giving every guest…
Tuesday Truth - Season for Everything
We all go through seasons in this life, seasons where we are heavy burdened, seasons where our pack is light, seasons where we grieve…
Monday Mission - Trust in His Timing
We live so much of our lives looking at our watch, checking the clock on the wall following the routine and schedule that WE…
Friday Devotional – Psalm 42
Have you ever witnessed a dog pant so hard you could hear it and see it? Have you ever experienced that kind of thirst yourself?
Thursday Thoughts - Study
"How to Study the Bible"
Wednesday Stories of Impact - Storm Lake, Iowa
Brian Botello Above and Beyond Award.
Tuesday Truths - Quotes
A few quotes that really make you think when you read them. Enjoy!