Pizza Ranch Serves

Man standing with an open door

Monday Mission - A Visit Just Because. . .

When was the last time you made the effort to go and visit someone you care about just because? In today's busy world, and with the recent COVID pandemic, I have found that it's become easier and easier to find reasons and excuses not to.

silhouette of a person jumping in front of a sunset background

Friday Devotional - I Will ...

We’ve been walking slowly through the Book of Psalms, this week looking at Psalm 26. In this passage David asks for nine things, he shares 10 things he’s doing, and he gives eight vows moving forward. All of this in 12 verses. See if you can find them all 😊.

Hands holding up a sign that says "Grateful"

Thursday Thoughts – Give Thanks in all Circumstances

The 3rd action we are looking at in Paul’s list of instructions for living in the will of God instead the ways of the world is "give thanks in all circumstances". Paul didn’t write “Give thanks in the good times” or “Give thanks in successful times”. No, he wrote “Give thanks in ALL circumstances.”

5 Students Standing in Line in their Tesfa Uniforms

Wednesday Stories of Impact – Supporting Schools in Ethiopia

At Pizza Ranch we work hard to live out our vision – to glorify God by positively impacting the world. One way Pizza Ranch seeks to put this vision into action is through our coffee program with Tesfa Foundation. Pizza Ranch sources all its’ coffee through Tesfa Foundation to fund education for students at 3 different schools in Ethiopia. Tesfa Foundation began back in 2004 and has been partnered with Pizza Ranch since 2013.

Hands praying over an open Bible

Tuesday Truth - Pray Continually

We are called to pray continually, or as some versions put it – pray without ceasing. But Paul's letter to the Thessalonians is not the only time we are instructed to pray; we see this command that all throughout scripture.

Woman in plaid shirt holding sign that says "Joy"

Monday Mission – Rejoice Always

In 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Paul gave 3 actions we are called to live out that will help us follow the will of God instead of the way of the world. “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus”. Today we are going to begin by looking at the command to "Rejoice Always".

Combine and Grain Cart Harvesting a Feild of Corn

Friday Devotional - All Creation Sings Your Glory

It can be easy to be stirred to worship when you stand and witness the beauty of God’s creation. In fact, Psalm 8 talks about that specifically. But God’s creation is so much more than flowers, and trees, and waterfalls, and sunrises. God’s creation is everything – time, language, culture, mathematical processes, and of course Mankind. God created humans with passions, talents, and gifts. When we get to see the people around us using the passions and gift’s God has given them that is “All Creation Singing God’s Glory!”

Friday Devotional - Beat Down a Path

We’ve been walking slowly through the Book of Psalms, this week looking at Psalms 25. It’s a passage from David as he pleads for deliverance and forgiveness. It also happens to include my High School class verse from 40 years ago.