Friday Devotional - All Creation Sings Your Glory
It can be easy to be stirred to worship when you stand and witness the beauty of God’s creation. In fact, Psalm 8 talks about that specifically. But God’s creation is so much more than flowers, and trees, and waterfalls, and sunrises. God’s creation is everything – time, language, culture, mathematical processes, and of course Mankind. God created humans with passions, talents, and gifts. When we get to see the people around us using the passions and gift’s God has given them that is “All Creation Singing God’s Glory!”

Thursday Thoughts - What is Your Foundation Built Upon?
What is your foundation built upon? The things of this world (beauty, money, sports, career) or is it built upon Christ? We read in…

Wednesday Stories of Impact - Lifewise Academy
Kelley Crawford, VP of Supply Chain & Procurement at the Pizza Ranch Support Center recently sat down with a local radio station to share…

Tuesday Truth - His Grace
1 Corinthians 15:10 "But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me was not in vain. On…

Monday Mission - Love Thy Neighbor
In Matthew 22 we see read of an expert in the law trying to test and catch Jesus messing up His words when he…

Friday Devotional - Beat Down a Path
We’ve been walking slowly through the Book of Psalms, this week looking at Psalms 25. It’s a passage from David as he pleads for deliverance and forgiveness. It also happens to include my High School class verse from 40 years ago.

Thrusday Thoughts - Praising God
In a recent daily devotional from the You Version Bible app was this verse and a beautiful pray praising God. Thank you to You Version for their daily devotions that remind me to start my day off praising God!

Wednesday - Story of Impact Wildwood Hills Ranch
Wildwood Hills Ranch exists to transform lives and strengthen communities by providing healing, hope, and God’s unconditional love to children and youth at-risk.

Tuesday Truths - Grateful

Monday Mission - Gratitude
Today we will focus on Gratitude.

Friday Devotional – Great Questions
We’ve been walking slowly through the Book of Psalms. This week we’re looking at a chapter that starts off declaring that everything on earth belongs to the Lord. The chapter ends with praise and glory given
Thursday Thought - The Mystery of the Gospel
What is the Mystery of Jesus Christ as told in the book of Ephesians?