Pizza Ranch Serves

Sunset over the ocean

Friday Devotional - Acknowledging God

I used to think a lot about how I could please God. Basically wondering, “He’s done so much for me, what can I do to please Him?” “What can I do to glorify Him?” This question even flows out of our vision statement here at Pizza Ranch, “To glorify God by positively impacting the world.” How do we do that?

Wednesday Stories of Impact - The Holy Spirit at Work

Last week the Pizza Ranch chain gathered for our annual National Conference to spend quality time together, learn together, celebrate together, and most importantly, worship together. Each morning of our conference we start the day in praise and worship. One of our biggest prayers this year was that we would feel the Holy Spirit moving among us and filling each person, and I know this prayer was absolutely answered!

Light pink peonies

Tuesday Truth - Colossians 3:12-17

I admit, sometimes it's difficult putting others first throughout my days. One scripture passage that remains a beautiful reminder of how I can practice this is Colossians 3:12-17.

Flat lay of cards, pens, and small vase of peach colored flowers

Monday Mission - J-O-Y

When I was growing up I learned a song in Sunday School that's stuck with me all my life. It's set to the tune of Jingle Bells: