Pizza Ranch Serves

Dark hallway with graffiti on the walls, question mark created by glow lights at the end of the hallway

Friday Devotional - Ask

One of the most important and quickest things I’ve learned in marriage is that my wife can’t read my mind and I can’t read hers. The longer we’ve been married, the more we can however…ha-ha. But, we needed to learn to communicate early on. This is true in any relationship we have, personal, professional, etc. Often times we just needed to ask a question instead of assume the other knew.

Tuesday Truth- Sinners are forgiven

It is easy to think that because we did something wrong (sin) that we cannot be loved. And especially cannot be loved by Jesus,…

Expectation vs. Reality

Recently my 4-year old daughter has been very interested in goats. Like, the animal (not her dad, although he would have her believe that he’s the GOAT). A few weeks ago we went to a Nature Center with live animals and I thought that maybe there would be a goat there… but we checked all live animals and no goats were to be found.