Tuesday Truths - Happiness
Do you ever find it difficult to just be happy? If you're reading this, you probably have more than you need and are relatively blessed beyond belief, and yet you find yourself without happiness.

Monday Mission - Serve Others
During the holidays it becomes very easy to become self absorbed. We are looking out for our own desires and wants. Perhaps its our kids and families that we put above all else. I want to challenge you this week...

Friday Devotional - Advent Week 1 – Hope
We’re going to be looking at the four weeks of Advent. Advent is a season of preparation. It’s for us to prepare our hearts, minds, and spirits for the true meaning of Christmas. We want to be a living example of the hope, peace, joy and love that the birth of Jesus brings. All of the OT passages that point to the Savior bring hope.

Thursday Thought - Do you have deep roots?
Obviously we don't have physical roots like this tree, thankfully we are free to walk around and move from place to place. However it's good to think about what you are rooted in.

Wednesday Story of Impact - Community Rallies Together - Waukesha, WI
On Sunday, November 21, news of the Waukesha Christmas Parade Tragedy spread across the Nation. What is normally a time of community celebration turned into tragedy.

Tuesday Truth - Rescued from Darkness
The current season of really short daylight hours is not my favorite. I've always disliked darkness and love when the days "grow longer again."

Monday Mission - Advent Season
It's Advent Season! Advent officially started yesterday, so it's time to turn our thoughts to Christmas...

Friday Devotional- Reminder of A Thankful Heart
Today we're sharing one of our devotions from last year that is still true today. We pray you find blessings in this message:

Thursday Thoughts - Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! from your friends at Pizza Ranch…

Wednesday Story of Impact - Baraboo Christmas Lights Parade
Twinkling lights and festive cheer! On Saturday, November 20 the Baraboo Pizza Ranch sponsored a Christmas Light Parade in their community to gear everyone…

Tuesday Truths - Now Thank We All Our God
Now thank we all our Godwith heart and hands and voices,who wondrous things has done,in whom his world rejoices;who from our mothers' armshas blessed…

Monday Mission: Be Thankful
As we enter this week of Thanksgiving, the phrase, "give thanks" or "be thankful" is thrown around a lot. Ask yourself are you truly…