Tuesday Truth - How Big God Is
Last week, my daughters were asking me “How big is God?” That’s a tricky question to answer for anyone, but trying to explain the vastness of our God to two 4-year olds turned out to be almost entertaining.

Monday Mission - Post Your Verse
What’s your favorite song? Do you have the lyrics to it memorized? Probably…

Friday Devotional - Social Media
You ever seen a post or discussion on social media regarding a dividing issue that got your blood boiling? For me I dropped Twitter…

Thursday Thoughts - The Ark
Take a moment and think about the biggest project you've ever worked on. Perhaps it was a home remodel or a big project for…

Wednesday Stories of Impact - Harvest Stand Ministries
On Mondays the Holland, MI Pizza Ranch gives a discount to guests who bring in a non-perishable food item. Guests are also encouraged to…

Tuesday Truth - No Surprises
The last 18 months have been anything but normal, we've seen tragedy and faced struggles every corner. 2020 was tough in it's own right,…

Monday Mission - Share Your Heart
How often do you share with others what they mean to you? How often do you express your feelings? Do your friends and family…

Friday Devotional - Ask
One of the most important and quickest things I’ve learned in marriage is that my wife can’t read my mind and I can’t read hers. The longer we’ve been married, the more we can however…ha-ha. But, we needed to learn to communicate early on. This is true in any relationship we have, personal, professional, etc. Often times we just needed to ask a question instead of assume the other knew.

Thursday Thought- Can a person "See God" when looking at natural beauty?
I've heard people say "I could really see God in that sunrise today", or "When I look at these beautiful flowers it reminds me…

Wednesday Story of Impact- TESFA fundraiser
The Pizza Ranch restaurant support center raised over $10,000 for a ministry partner in August, 2021.

Tuesday Truth- Sinners are forgiven
It is easy to think that because we did something wrong (sin) that we cannot be loved. And especially cannot be loved by Jesus,…

Monday Mission - Face Your Giants
We face (and will face) many giants in our lifetime. Health challenges, relationship issues, school difficulties, projects at work, and so much more.