Monday Mission - Post Your Verse
What’s your favorite song? Do you have the lyrics to it memorized? Probably…

Friday Devotional - Social Media
You ever seen a post or discussion on social media regarding a dividing issue that got your blood boiling? For me I dropped Twitter…

Thursday Thoughts - The Ark
Take a moment and think about the biggest project you've ever worked on. Perhaps it was a home remodel or a big project for…

Wednesday Stories of Impact - Harvest Stand Ministries
On Mondays the Holland, MI Pizza Ranch gives a discount to guests who bring in a non-perishable food item. Guests are also encouraged to…

Tuesday Truth - No Surprises
The last 18 months have been anything but normal, we've seen tragedy and faced struggles every corner. 2020 was tough in it's own right,…

Monday Mission - Share Your Heart
How often do you share with others what they mean to you? How often do you express your feelings? Do your friends and family…

Friday Devotional - Ask
One of the most important and quickest things I’ve learned in marriage is that my wife can’t read my mind and I can’t read hers. The longer we’ve been married, the more we can however…ha-ha. But, we needed to learn to communicate early on. This is true in any relationship we have, personal, professional, etc. Often times we just needed to ask a question instead of assume the other knew.

Thursday Thought- Can a person "See God" when looking at natural beauty?
I've heard people say "I could really see God in that sunrise today", or "When I look at these beautiful flowers it reminds me…

Wednesday Story of Impact- TESFA fundraiser
The Pizza Ranch restaurant support center raised over $10,000 for a ministry partner in August, 2021.

Tuesday Truth- Sinners are forgiven
It is easy to think that because we did something wrong (sin) that we cannot be loved. And especially cannot be loved by Jesus,…

Monday Mission - Face Your Giants
We face (and will face) many giants in our lifetime. Health challenges, relationship issues, school difficulties, projects at work, and so much more.

Expectation vs. Reality
Recently my 4-year old daughter has been very interested in goats. Like, the animal (not her dad, although he would have her believe that he’s the GOAT). A few weeks ago we went to a Nature Center with live animals and I thought that maybe there would be a goat there… but we checked all live animals and no goats were to be found.