Friday Devotional- 9/11 Remembered & Trust God
Where was God on 9/11/2001?
Thursday Thought- How is "the harvest" used in Scripture?
God is the Lord of the Harvest
Wednesday Story of Impact- Game Plan For Life by Joe Gibbs
Game Plan for Life is a men's ministry and nonprofit started by former NFL head coach and current NASCAR team owner, Joe Gibbs.
Tuesday Truth- God is the Lord of the Harvest
Who is to take credit for "the harvest" in our lives and the world around us?
Monday Mission- Help bring in the harvest
Matthew 9:35-38
Friday Devotional- Philippians 4:4-8
In 1942 there was a book written by C. S. Lewis called, “The Screwtape Letters.” It’s a book that takes the form of letters from a Sr. demon named Screwtape, to his nephew and Jr. tempter, named Wormwood. Wormwood is being mentored by his uncle and is responsible for securing the damnation of a particular person. Check this out to see if we can glean some wisdom as we navigate a political storm.
Thursday Thought- God's view of planting seeds
Scripture gives us an idea of how God looks at the value of seeds people plant.
Wednesday Story of Impact- Campus Crusade for Christ
Campus Crusade for Christ is a ministry partner of Pizza Ranch.
Tuesday Truth- It takes time for seeds to grow
Be patient and expect great things
Monday Mission- Plant Seeds
Without seeds, there is no plant and therefore no fruit.
Friday Devotional- The Long Way Up
Read Ephesians 2:1-8 Let's look at an example of Jesus in the New Testament and of Joseph in the Old Testament as we evaluate the highs and lows.
Thursday Thought - Are you Courageous?
Do you consider yourself courageous? This is a trait I admire in people, and I wish I had more of. Many things can leave me with a racing heart, sweaty palms or a desire to flee or avoid certain situations.