Pizza Ranch Serves

Depiction of Noah's ark and floodwaters

Thursday Thought- Noah's Flood

Do you ever wonder about some of the events that took place in Genesis? I came across this website that helped me think about The Flood and Noah's Ark in a new way. Check out some of their points and the web link for more information on each of these points: 


Thursday Thoughts- A Den of Lions

For the first day of school, my son was asked to share some things about himself so his teacher could get to know him. His favorite food. A hobby he enjoys. And among the other things, his favorite Bible verse or story. Without hesitation he told me "Daniel in the lion's den!" So that got us thinking ....

Hand raised in worship

Thursday Thoughts - You Are My Champion

At the beginning of the summer, I joined a few young adults in starting a worship/bible study group. We meet every Wednesday night in a small apartment. From the time it began with four people until now where our group is over 30 people, we have been worshipping, praying and reading scripture over one another. Over the last few weeks, one of our new favorite worship songs is "You are my Champion" by Bethel Worship featuring Dante Brown.

Ocean by Bora Bora

Thursday Thoughts- Is There a God?

Have you ever wondered if there truly is a God?  Most of us have never doubted that. If you have, all you need to do is look at nature and see how it all works so perfectly together. We could choose to look at any part of nature and how it works, from Sea Turtles traveling up to 4,000 miles to the location of their birth to lay their own eggs or to Honey Bees and how they work together to produce honey by traveling up to 6 miles away from their hive.

Forest Fire

Thursday Thoughts- Still, Small Voice

God speaks to us in so many ways. Sometimes loud and clear, other times with a still, small voice. 1 Kings 19:11-13 was on my mind recently and I'm encouraged in the reminder that God is there in the small, little ways, not just the big, loud ones. Are you taking the time to listen for the whispers from God in your own life?


Thursday Thought - Amen

Did you know the last word in the Bible is 'amen?' The word amen is derived from the Hebrew āmēn, which means “certainty” or “truth.” God’s inspired word is no coincidence. It is certain. it is truth.