Thursday Thought – Do Idols exist today?
Do Idols exist today? Maybe not in the physical sense like the Israelites had with their wooden carved images. But we are certainly drawn to things that can serve as idols in our lives.
Thursday Thoughts - Worshipping God in Spirit and in Truth
Have you ever thought about how you worship God? Below are some different ways in which to worship God.
Thursday Thoughts - Rest in the Love of God
I have two little girls at home and the other morning, both were sitting on my lap at the table eating breakfast ...
Thursday Thoughts - Warmth
This past week most of the country saw a dramatic dip in temperature, with some areas seeing negative degree wind chills!
Thursday Thoughts- Interesting Facts About Angels
I still remember when I was a young kid, seeing different pictures of what Angels looked like and descriptions of the different things they did. I didn't have a whole lot of understanding about them. I still don't completely understand them so I looked up some facts about them online.
Thursday Thoughts
Fall such a beautiful time of the year
Thursday Thoughts- About the Bible
My son is learning how to use his Bible, so I thought I'd share some of the interesting facts that we've been talking about lately.
Thursday Thought- Bible cross training
When was the last time you reviewed your Bible workout routine?
Thursday Thoughts - Fear Not!
Did you know the Bible contains 365 verses that state ‘fear not’? That’s one for everyday of the year! God’s inspired word is no coincidence and his providence is over all.
Thursday Thought - Take Control of Your Thoughts
Ever wonder how to have more peace, more confidence, more joy? What you think makes a difference. Taking control of your thoughts will significantly change your outlook and also your outcome.
Thursday Thoughts - No more phone?
My wife and I make a point to not be on our cell phones before our daughter goes to bed each night. My wife…
Thursday Thoughts - Training
Have you ever run a half-marathon? I ran my first one earlier this year following a 12 week training program. Let me tell ya,…