Pizza Ranch Serves

Laptop with image that says "Work hard anywhere"

Thursday Thought - We're Created to Work

I read a book recently and was inspired by the message of how God created man and woman to work. Our modern day culture has us looking forward to the weekend or our next vacation or eventually retirement. But what if we're actually called to find joy in the work that we do each day?

Bible verse text: Colossians 3:13

Thursday Thoughts - Glasses Smudges

If you're a fellow glasses-wearer like myself, you'll know how frequently you have to wipe your lenses clean. I keep those little clothes all over the place, in my desk, my car, my purse, my medicine cabinet, etc. It's funny how a spec of dust...

Thursday Thought: Abiding + Pruning = Good Fruit

In the book of John, this titular disciple captures a sermon that Jesus gave about how to best grow, maintain and produce good fruit (see John 15:1-17 for the full message). Jesus spends quite a bit of time talking about how He is the vine and we are the branches. To produce good fruit, we need to stay close to Him by reading the Bible, spending time in prayer and in fellowship with other believers, building each other up and spurring each other on.