Thursday Thoughts - Prayer
This has been a very busy week and this prayer was on my "You Version Bible App" and was so fitting.
Thursday Thought - We're Created to Work
I read a book recently and was inspired by the message of how God created man and woman to work. Our modern day culture has us looking forward to the weekend or our next vacation or eventually retirement. But what if we're actually called to find joy in the work that we do each day?
Thursday Thought - Nothing, Not Ever
The other day we touched on the idea that sometimes God is quiet in different seasons of life. I have a friend who has walked a season with God recently where there was great uncertainty.
Thursday Truth- Be Quick to Listen and Slow to Speak
My kids were required to memorize James 2:19-21 for school a few months ago. At first glance, it appeared to be any other bible verse.
Thursday Thoughts - Glasses Smudges
If you're a fellow glasses-wearer like myself, you'll know how frequently you have to wipe your lenses clean. I keep those little clothes all over the place, in my desk, my car, my purse, my medicine cabinet, etc. It's funny how a spec of dust...
Thursday Thoughts: Consider it Pure Joy
It can be easy to feel joyful when life is easy. But what about when life is difficult? How can I be joyful in suffering?
Thursday Thoughts - What Are You Afraid Of?
What Are You Afraid Of? An upcoming test at school or a big presentation at work? Checking your bank account balance or your credit card…
Thursday Thoughts - Fear
Are there giants in your life that cripple you with fear or cause you insecurity
Thursday Thought - A Sprinkling of Yeast
God can take what seems insignificant to us and multiple it into something great.
Thursday Thought: Abiding + Pruning = Good Fruit
In the book of John, this titular disciple captures a sermon that Jesus gave about how to best grow, maintain and produce good fruit (see John 15:1-17 for the full message). Jesus spends quite a bit of time talking about how He is the vine and we are the branches. To produce good fruit, we need to stay close to Him by reading the Bible, spending time in prayer and in fellowship with other believers, building each other up and spurring each other on.
Thursday Thoughts - God of the Universe
Have you ever pondered how huge the planets are when you look up at night? Here are some interesting facts about what God's ability to create in the universe is.
Thursday Thought - God is Love
My beloved friends, let us continue to love each other since love comes from God. Everyone who loves is born of God and experiences a relationship with God. The person who refuses to love doesn’t know the first thing about God, because God is love—so you can’t know him if you don’t love. This is how God showed his love for us: God sent his only Son into the world so we might live through him.