Pizza Ranch Serves

4 Friends with arm interwoven making heart shapes with their hands

Thursday Thoughts: Pray for the people in your life

Devotion today provided by: Jenna Finkenhoefer. A few years ago a friend of mine gave me her copy of “10 Minutes to Powerful Prayer” by Stormie Omartian. Anytime I’m at a loss of what to pray about or feel like my prayers have become monotonous and stale, I refer back to this book. One of my favorites is “pray for the people in your life”.

White number 5 overlaying a rock profiled background

Thursday Thoughts - 5 Ways to Make the Workplace Your Mission Field

Here are 5 practical ways to make your workplace a mission field: 1. Where everyone is looking to get ahead, look to serve instead. In the professional world, service is not often glamorous, but it is always Christ-like. In Mark 10, we are told that Christ did not come to be served, but to serve those around him.

Sad Puppy in the Rain

Thursday Thoughts - God's Plan is Better

My dog is not a fan of the rain. But she is a fan of walks. When it is raining and the regular time for her walk comes and goes, she will get more adamant about wanting a walk, maybe even risking a whimper or two to make her point. We will respond with a “No, it’s not walk time” or “No, it’s raining” but she doesn’t like that answer. Sometimes I think this is similar to how Christians act.