Pizza Ranch Serves

Thursday Thought - Rejoice in the Lord

We’ve spent the last few days talking about getting the New Year off to a positive start and a few ways to do that. I believe in counting your blessings, intentionally practicing gratitude and looking for the unexpected ways that God moves in our midst.

Dinner place setting with Thankful tag

Thursday Thought - Preparing for Thanksgiving

Content provided by guest writer, Jenna Finkenhoefer. As someone who loves to cook, (and especially loves to eat!), AND is a recovering perfectionist, I usually spend free time leading up to Thanksgiving researching new recipes, thinking of creative ways to set the table...

Thursday Thought - Extend Community

After a couple of days talking about how to find community and the fact that God lives in community, let’s spend a minute talking about extended community – you know, the community that is bigger than our town or neighborhood. Chances are that you have family or friends who live outside of your 5-mile radius.

Hands holding up a sign that says "Grateful"

Thursday Thoughts – Give Thanks in all Circumstances

The 3rd action we are looking at in Paul’s list of instructions for living in the will of God instead the ways of the world is "give thanks in all circumstances". Paul didn’t write “Give thanks in the good times” or “Give thanks in successful times”. No, he wrote “Give thanks in ALL circumstances.”

Praise Via Zac Durant Unsplash

Thrusday Thoughts - Praising God

In a recent daily devotional from the You Version Bible app was this verse and a beautiful pray praising God. Thank you to You Version for their daily devotions that remind me to start my day off praising God!

Symbol for "God is Greater than the Highs and Lows"

Thursday Thought - God is Greater

For the longest time I didn't know what the image meant. I saw it around, but never really asked anyone. If you're in the dark like I was, here is what it means. "God is Greater than the Highs and Lows."

Thursday Thought – Unexpected Hope

Every night before bed, I read a story out of our children’s Bible to my daughters. We just got into the New Testament, and we read the story in Luke 2 of how God sent a choir of angels to tell the lowly “riff-raff” shepherds about his Son who was born.