Pizza Ranch Serves

Thursday Thought - Light of the World

There are many reasons why I’m thankful that I wasn’t born 100+ years ago: I like air-conditioning in the summer and heat in the winter. Despite my best efforts, I’m a terrible gardener (maybe this summer will be the year!). Cooking is fun for me, but not when I must make 3 meals every day until I die.

Hand reaching out to sun over a lake.

Thursday Thoughts - When You Don’t Feel Like It

We all struggle with spiritual discouragement and lethargy. Some days our circumstances threaten to overwhelm us, and we struggle just to pray. Many times we just don’t feel like doing the things we know we should. For one reason or another, God sometimes seems far off and unreachable.

friends at a garden party

Thursday Thoughts – Working in Paradise

This week we have talked a lot about work. We have discussed how God designed us to work in the garden and commanded us to work in the 10 commandments. But one question I have often pondered is what will work look like in Paradise?

Thanksgiving Table filled with food

Thursday Thoughts - Thankfulness continues on Thanksgiving!

Content provided by Jenna Finkenhoefer Thankfulness continues on Thanksgiving! If you missed my post on Tuesday, I asked my Pizza Ranch Family to share what they are most thankful for this year. Here are even more responses I received this week. I continue to be amazed and inspired at the responses. What an incredible privilege it is to work with all of you at Pizza Ranch. THANK YOU. I hope you enjoy reading these as much as I did…and Happy Thanksgiving! “To me, Thanksgiving is all about enjoying time with family and friends and thanking God for the many blessings he has given me.”

Thursday Thought - The Vastness of God

One of the things I love most about Iowa is all of our farmland and the beauty that it displays no matter the time of the year. While I grew up in Kansas City (very different than Orange City), all of my grandparents and much of my extended family lived in Northern Iowa and lived on farms.