Pizza Ranch Serves

Thursday Thought – Seasons of Life

Ecclesiastes 3:1 – “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” Usually when this verse comes to mind, it’s connected to something hard or difficult – a death, someone undergoing chemo, or in a season of waiting. As a teenager, my mom would tell me “Kate, just enjoy right now.” I wasn’t angsty but could always identify something that I was waiting on or wanted to by-pass quickly.

Brightly colored balloons in the sky

Thursday Thought - Rejoicing when you die

I recently read a book that referenced an old saying from an American Indian tribe, "When you were born you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a way that when you die the world cries and you rejoice." What a great life philosophy!

Dried orange peel scraps

Thursday Thoughts - When Thoughts Are Not Excellent

On Monday this week we looked at pursuing excellent thoughts from Philippians 4:8. While I know God wants our thoughts to be pure, holy, and right, the truth is this can be really hard some days. How do we redeem the days when our mind wanders and our thoughts are not glorifying to God?

John the Baptist

Thursday Thoughts - John the Baptist

You Version Bible App, had a devotional reading from Toby Mach in reference to his song "Steal My Show" The way I interpret Toby's message he is referring to John the Baptist and how John is ready to let step back and let

Bars of Fine Gold

Thursday Thought - What's a Person Worth?

There’s something of an obsession in our society about a person’s worth. What’s Bill Gates’ worth as opposed to Warren Buffet’s? or Mark Zuckerberg’s? Millionaires, billionaires, and zillionaires - it’s all so far beyond what we normal people experience that we really can’t even image it.