Thursday Thought – Importance of Community
We can be surrounded by people all day, but sometimes not feel like we belong. Many voices, opinions and views bombard us daily, but those may not necessarily be healthy or what we know to be true.

Thursday Thoughts - How Would You Respond?
Imagine you are walking through the park with your family when you stumble upon a crowd listening to a man speaking. You've heard rumors…

Thursday Thoughts - When Thoughts Are Not Excellent
On Monday this week we looked at pursuing excellent thoughts from Philippians 4:8. While I know God wants our thoughts to be pure, holy, and right, the truth is this can be really hard some days. How do we redeem the days when our mind wanders and our thoughts are not glorifying to God?

Thursday Thoughts - John the Baptist
You Version Bible App, had a devotional reading from Toby Mach in reference to his song "Steal My Show" The way I interpret Toby's message he is referring to John the Baptist and how John is ready to let step back and let

Thursday Thought - What's a Person Worth?
There’s something of an obsession in our society about a person’s worth. What’s Bill Gates’ worth as opposed to Warren Buffet’s? or Mark Zuckerberg’s? Millionaires, billionaires, and zillionaires - it’s all so far beyond what we normal people experience that we really can’t even image it.

Thursday Thought - No Expiration Dates
I listened to a podcast last week by Christine Caine about how God’s promises don’t have an expiration date. She gave a real-life example about how if your passport expires, then you don’t get to board a plane and get to your destination; you’re left out/behind.

Thursday Thoughts - Don't Be Discouraged
Are you celebrating Day 4 of Healthy Spiritual Habits? Don't be discouraged if you're not. Every day is a new day of opportunities to start fresh. God's mercies are new every morning, one of my favorite reminders to give others and myself the same grace He's given to me. (Lamentations 3:22-23)

Thursday Thoughts - Random Acts of Kindness
Seems like there is a week for everything in our culture, but I love that this week is “Random Acts of Kindness” week. Over the past few years there has been debate

Thursday Thoughts - Thus far
1 Samuel 7:12 it says "Then Samuel took a stone and set it up

Thursday Thoughts - Context
In the book of Philippians, the Apostle Paul writes, “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” What an inspirational and encouraging text.

Thursday Thoughts - Which way am I going?
What do you rely on to tell you what direction to go? For many of us maps have been replaced with smartphones and it's so easy to plug in an address and be on our way.

Thursday Thought – What Do You Want?
I’ll admit it… this is a safe space, right? I love Christmas movies. The sappy ones. The ones where the good-looking couple falls in love, despite the odds, and overcomes ALL the obstacles to claim their true love.