Friday Devotional - Blessings
Listening to a sermon a few days ago. He was talking about bad things that happen and how for those who trust in Jesus, they can have hope. He talked about a man in their church (a family fried on mine) who was diagnosed with Stage 4B Cancer last year, and how he’s turned that death sentence into life. So, maybe that’s the point of today -> that even in the face of hardship, we should look to the giver of life and focus on that.

Friday Devotional- Saint vs. Sinner
Last week I brought up this idea of seeing ourselves as “saints” instead of “sinners.” It’s brought up a lot of discussion here at the Pizza Ranch Support Center, so I’d like to revisit this again. So often we talk of ourselves as “sinners saved by grace” and this is of course true, but sometimes that simply gives us the “okay” to sin. There is so much more to it:

Friday Devotional - Jesus in the Book of Malachi
We’ve been working through the Old Testament looking for the New Testament Jesus hundreds, even thousands, of years before He was born. They’re all great stories on their own, but they absolutely paint a picture of who Jesus will be and what he’ll do for those who believe. Jesus claimed that the entire Old Testament pointed to Him (Luke 24:27, 44; John 5:39, 46; Romans 1:1-2; 1 Peter 1:10-12). Since the Book of Malachi is a part of the OT, let’s look to see how it points to Jesus.

Friday Devotional - Continuing the Work
Did you ever ask yourself why we have the privilege of working for a company that strives to bring glory to God

Friday Devotions - God is the only True God
I’m just starting a bible study on Elijah and excited to learn more about his life and his story. So often we only know the mountain top experiences, and don’t know or don’t spend much time thinking about the process it took to get to that point.

Friday Devotional - Jesus in the Book of Zechariah
We’ve been working through the Old Testament looking for the New Testament Jesus hundreds, even thousands, of years before He was born. They’re all great stories on their own, but they absolutely paint a picture of who Jesus will be and what he’ll do for those who believe. Jesus claimed that the entire Old Testament pointed to Him. Since the Book of Zechariah is a part of the OT, let’s look to see how it points to Jesus.

Friday Devotional - Jesus in the Book of Haggai
We’ve been working through the Old Testament looking for the New Testament Jesus hundreds, even thousands, of years before He was born. They’re all great stories on their own, but they absolutely paint a picture of who Jesus will be and what he’ll do for those who believe. Jesus claimed that the entire Old Testament pointed to Him (Luke 24:27, 44; John 5:39, 46; Romans 1:1-2; 1 Peter 1:10-12). Since the Book of Haggai is a part of the OT, let’s look to see how it points to Jesus.

Friday Devotional - Social Media
You ever seen a post or discussion on social media regarding a dividing issue that got your blood boiling? For me I dropped Twitter…

Friday Devotional - Ask
One of the most important and quickest things I’ve learned in marriage is that my wife can’t read my mind and I can’t read hers. The longer we’ve been married, the more we can however…ha-ha. But, we needed to learn to communicate early on. This is true in any relationship we have, personal, professional, etc. Often times we just needed to ask a question instead of assume the other knew.

Friday Devotional - Jesus in the Book of Zephaniah
We’ve been working through the Old Testament looking for the New Testament Jesus hundreds, even thousands, of years before He was born. They’re all…

Friday Devotional - A Reminder to Fear Not
We've all been through a lot in the past year and a half, some even longer than that. Last year we shared encouragement from God's Word regarding fear. Whether this is a personal struggle of yours or not, God's Word brings us encouragement all the time and we pray this reminder of a devotion we shared in June of 2020 is a blessing to you this week as well.

Friday Devotional - Redirecting Our Gaze
Would it be true if I said, “We all want to experience the riches of our salvation?” I think so. We’d all love to have the joy of being loved constantly and perfectly.